Posts in designer spotlight
Ethical Essentials with Everlane
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“Our way: Exceptional quality. Ethical factories. Radical Transparency."  You can find this quote on Everlane’s website, and it’s damn true.  Everlane’s products are incredibly well-made in eco-conscious and ethical factories.  They even reveal their cost per item, so you know exactly what you’re paying for.  

For Black Friday, rather than having a sale (Everlane’s items are already on a “sale” price model), they encouraged shoppers to still purchase, but for a greater purpose.  The profits went to their denim factory in Vietman, Saitex, in order to provide clean, healthy meals to its workers.  They partnered with Freight Farms, which basically creates hydroponic farms in shipping containers (read more here), in order to execute the mission.  THAT is an incredible gift to our earth and its people for the holiday season.

I not only believe in this model, I also champion it.  I’ve given up fast fashion for good.  No more Zara.  No more cheaply made crap just so that I can enjoy a fleeting trend for one season, while many other people (and the environment) suffer in the process.  I’ve been implementing this for over a year and a half, and I haven’t looked back.

This year for the holiday season, I’m not caving into the massive holiday sales.  Why?  Because I will end up buying things I don’t need.  I am not straying you away from getting those incredible timeless boots that are half-off - that saves you money on a major staple.  But I do suggest to not shop on a whim, even if it means “scoring” things on sale.  I spend more money on individual items and end up spending less money overall.  How?  Because the items I purchase last, and therefore I need less.  Since I’m fulfilling my truest wants by only acquiring what I absolutely love, I don’t feel the constant need to consume more.  I’m only human, and of course I want things, but this want is quieter than my ethical philosophy.  

Here is Everlane’s philosophy:  “At Everlane, we’re not big on trends. We want you to wear our pieces for years, even decades, to come. That’s why we source the finest materials and factories for our timeless products— like our Grade-A cashmere sweaters, Italian shoes, and Peruvian Pima tees.”

Pictured above, I’m wearing this cashmere sweater, and these gorgeous Italian shoes - paired with vintage Levi's and a vintage blazer.

You can transform your lifestyle by changing your relationship to your things - your home items, your wardrobe, or both.  We have relationships with our objects, whether we are aware of this or not.  If you need help implementing this philosophy or a philosophy that works for you into your life, feel free to inquire about a session.  A friend of mine calls it “object therapy,” yet it’s ultimately about strengthening your relationship to yourself.   Spots are limited. 

Mindful Objects: Designer Spotlight x Rachel Saunders Ceramics
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When I discovered Rachel Saunders on Instagram, I was immediately captivated by not only her work, but also her.  I felt a very real quality from her (yes, through social media) - a vulnerability and an openness along with a nuanced sense of humor.  Her aesthetic is classic, yet refreshing.  There is an ethereal lightness to her ceramics, yet they are made of the earth and therefore feel very grounding.  All of her pieces are handmade and wheel-thrown in her Vancouver Island studio.  I feel very fortunate to have photographed and styled her work in the stunning home of Lacy Phillips.  You can find more of Rachel’s beautiful work here.

When we choose to spend a little more on objects made by independent artists, we are investing in each other.  In connection.  We are also embracing our worthiness - that we deserve something custom and special.  This creates an energy of creativity, interconnectedness, and consciousness.