In Process: A Poem
It is with my cup of tea that I take an inward breath before exhaling
It is while pouring the hot water that I experience the welcomed warmth of steam enveloping my face
It is how putting pen to paper transforms stagnation into fluidity.
Our objects help us to be in process
They allow us to work with our hands
To find beauty in the mundane and meditation in the minutia.
Our objects enable us to touch, to feel, to be in our bodies
The sensual experience of sliding a ring against the soft skin of a finger,
of intertwining legs in warm linen sheets,
of touching lips to the smooth ceramic surface of a mug
This is in process.
In process there are no shoulds or should nots
only inhales and exhales
even through the hardships
the heartbreaks
the messiness
the misunderstandings
In process there is breath
and therefore, breadth.
In process we experience
the small moments that teach us
the presence of being alive
and being alive does not always feel the way we want it to
as it can be heart wrenching, unkind, gruesome, and painful
but in the presence of whatever arises, we come back to the essence of truth -
Objects are inanimate without us
home is inherently within us
bring them inward
to guide yourself home
as even here, you are
in process.