Object -
a material thing that can be seen and touched; a goal or purpose
The object. It just is. Or is it? There’s irony in the dual meaning of the word – it suggests both “thing” and “purpose.” Objects allude to stories, and those narratives convey intention.
Objects require us. We breathe life into them simply by being ourselves. We are not just the curators, but also the conveyers of meaning. We transmit the stories of each object in order to tell our own.
Read more about our philosophy here.
I’m Paige, an interior designer + artist.
I’m also a person with thoughts and feelings and imperfections and woes.
I look to the physical as a bridge to the metaphysical, in order to help others to access their internal landscapes through their external surroundings. I believe it is of the utmost importance to learn to meet the needs of our individual inner selves, in order to change the narrative of the collective whole. My larger mission is shift the societal paradigm from consuming mindlessly to collecting mindfully.